Version 0.42-with-extra-sparkles

Speaker: Jan Gregor Emge-Triebel

Despite being a former political scientist I have been developing web applications in php for about a decade now. Over the last five years or so I fell in love with the symfony framework and stuck with it ever since. While I develop modern REST apis during the day, I often deep dive into swift web frameworks at night or try to improve my diy smart home with some hand made code.

Despite being a former political scientist I have been developing web applications in php for about a decade now. Over the last five years or so I fell in love with the symfony framework and stuck with it ever since. While I develop modern REST apis during the day, I often deep dive into swift web frameworks at night or try to improve my diy smart home with some hand made code.

First OSS Contact

I first started using open source software when I made the switch from windows to linux in high school. Shortly after that I started my journey towards programming where I discovered the vast and slightly confusing world of libraries and frameworks in various languages. It took me several years to build the confidence to publish my own library in php and swift.
