DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS sqlite_fdw CASCADE; -- Create the SQLite foreign data wrapper extension in the current database CREATE EXTENSION sqlite_fdw; -- Create the mapping to the foreign SQLite file CREATE SERVER sqlite_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER sqlite_fdw OPTIONS (database '/var/sqlite/Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite') ; -- Create the SQLite foreign table, column definitions have to match CREATE FOREIGN TABLE sqlite_artist( "ArtistId" integer, "Name" character varying(120) ) SERVER sqlite_server OPTIONS( table 'Artist' ); -- Select some data SELECT * FROM sqlite_artist; DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS mysql_fdw CASCADE; -- Create the foreign data wrapper extension in the current database CREATE EXTENSION mysql_fdw; -- Create the mapping to the foreign MariaDB server CREATE SERVER mariadb_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER mysql_fdw OPTIONS (host '', port '3306') ; -- Create a user mapping with user and password of the foreign table -- PostgreSQL gives you options to connect this user with its own users CREATE USER MAPPING FOR PUBLIC SERVER mariadb_server OPTIONS (username 'stefanie', password 'secret') ; -- Create the MariaDB foreign table, column definitions have to match CREATE FOREIGN TABLE mysql_album( "AlbumId" integer, "Title" character varying(160), "ArtistId" integer ) SERVER mariadb_server OPTIONS( dbname 'Chinook', table_name 'Album' ); -- Select some data SELECT * FROM mysql_album; -- Join SQLite with MariaDB SELECT artist."Name" , album."Title" FROM sqlite_artist AS artist INNER JOIN mysql_album AS album ON artist."ArtistId" = album."ArtistId" ; -- Select data from a different PostgreSQL database -- Should not work! SELECT * FROM chinook.public."Track"; SELECT * FROM "Track"; DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS postgres_fdw CASCADE; -- Create the PostgreSQL extension to link other PostgreSQL databases CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw; -- Create a connection to the other database on the same server CREATE SERVER pg_localhost_chinook FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host '', port '5432', dbname 'chinook') ; -- Create a user mapping CREATE USER MAPPING FOR stefanie SERVER pg_localhost_chinook OPTIONS (user 'stefanie', password 'password') ; -- Link foreign tables into the current database and schema IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA public LIMIT TO("Track") FROM SERVER pg_localhost_chinook INTO public ; -- Try to select some data SELECT * FROM "Track"; -- Join SQLite, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL tables SELECT artist."Name" , album."Title" , track."Name" FROM sqlite_artist AS artist INNER JOIN mysql_album AS album ON artist."ArtistId" = album."ArtistId" INNER JOIN "Track" AS track ON album."AlbumId" = track."AlbumId" ; DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS file_fdw CASCADE; -- Create the file fdw CREATE EXTENSION file_fdw; -- One does need a server, but afterwards every csv file is avilable CREATE SERVER chinook_csv FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER file_fdw ; -- Creating a foreign table based on a csv file -- Options are the same as in COPY CREATE FOREIGN TABLE csv_genre ( "GenreId" integer, "Name" text ) SERVER chinook_csv OPTIONS ( filename '/var/tmp/Genre.csv', format 'csv', HEADER 'true' ); -- Select some data SELECT * FROM csv_genre; -- Join SQLite, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and CSV tables SELECT artist."Name" , album."Title" , track."Name" , genre."Name" FROM sqlite_artist AS artist INNER JOIN mysql_album AS album ON artist."ArtistId" = album."ArtistId" INNER JOIN "Track" AS track ON album."AlbumId" = track."AlbumId" INNER JOIN csv_genre AS genre ON track."GenreId" = genre."GenreId" ; -- Joining SQLite and MariaDB tables using PostgreSQL expressions WITH album AS ( SELECT "ArtistId" , array_agg("Title") AS album_titles FROM mysql_album GROUP BY "ArtistId" ) SELECT artist."Name" AS artist , album.album_titles FROM sqlite_artist AS artist INNER JOIN album ON artist."ArtistId" = album."ArtistId" ; -- DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_album_artist; -- Creates an materialized view on foreign tables CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_album_artist AS WITH album AS ( SELECT "ArtistId" , array_agg("Title") AS album_titles FROM mysql_album GROUP BY "ArtistId" ) SELECT artist."Name" AS artist , album.album_titles , SUM(ARRAY_LENGTH(album_titles, 1)) FROM sqlite_artist AS artist LEFT OUTER JOIN album ON artist."ArtistId" = album."ArtistId" GROUP BY artist."Name" , album.album_titles ; -- Select the mv data SELECT * FROM mv_album_artist WHERE upper(artist) LIKE 'A%' ORDER BY artist ; /* MariaDB control statement -- SELECT the amount of albums from the MariaDB table from MariaDB, not with a foreign data wrapper SELECT count( * ) AS AlbumCount FROM `Album` ;*/ -- Insert data calculated from foreign tables using PostgreSQL features into another foreign table INSERT INTO mysql_album("AlbumId", "ArtistId", "Title") WITH album AS ( -- Generate a new album id SELECT MAX(album."AlbumId") + 1 AS new_album_id FROM mysql_album AS album ) SELECT album.new_album_id , artist."ArtistId" , 'Back in Black' FROM sqlite_artist AS artist, album WHERE artist."Name" = 'AC/DC' GROUP BY album.new_album_id , artist."ArtistId" ; -- Select data from the materialized view SELECT * FROM mv_album_artist WHERE artist = 'AC/DC' ORDER BY artist ; -- Refresh the mv to see the recently added data REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_album_artist; -- We can even delete data from foreign tables DELETE FROM mysql_album WHERE "Title" = 'Back in Black' AND "ArtistId" = 1 ; /* MariaDB control statement -- SELECT the amount of albums from the MariaDB table from MariaDB, not with a foreign data wrapper SELECT count( * ) AS AlbumCount FROM `Album` ;*/ -- Using PostgreSQL JSON with data from MariaDB and SQLite -- Step 1: Albums with tracks as JSON WITH albums AS ( SELECT a."ArtistId" AS artist_id , a."Title" AS album_title , array_agg(t."Name") AS album_tracks FROM mysql_album AS a INNER JOIN "Track" AS t ON a."AlbumId" = t."AlbumId" GROUP BY a."ArtistId" , a."Title" ) SELECT row_to_json(albums) AS album_tracks FROM albums ; -- Albums including tracks with aritsts with some JSON magic WITH albums AS ( SELECT a."ArtistId" AS artist_id , a."Title" AS album_title , array_agg(t."Name") AS album_tracks FROM mysql_album AS a INNER JOIN "Track" AS t ON a."AlbumId" = t."AlbumId" GROUP BY a."ArtistId" , a."Title" ) , js_albums AS ( SELECT row_to_json(albums) AS album_tracks FROM albums ) SELECT a."Name" AS artist , jsonb_pretty(al.album_tracks::jsonb) AS albums_tracks FROM sqlite_artist AS a INNER JOIN js_albums AS al ON a."ArtistId" = (al.album_tracks->>'artist_id')::int ; -- Multicorn Examples DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS multicorn CASCADE; -- Create the multicorn extension CREATE EXTENSION multicorn; -- Create the server, which is simply a placeholder CREATE SERVER rss_srv foreign data wrapper multicorn options ( wrapper 'multicorn.rssfdw.RssFdw' ) ; -- Create a foreign table based on an RSS feed CREATE FOREIGN TABLE rss_yahoo_entertainment ( "pubDate" timestamp, description character varying, title character varying, link character varying ) server rss_srv options ( url 'http://news.yahoo.com/rss/entertainment' ) ; -- Query that RSS feed SELECT * FROM rss_yahoo_entertainment ; -- Query that RSS feed with an expression SELECT * FROM rss_yahoo_entertainment WHERE lower(title) LIKE '%trump%' ;